Indra App


This app allows the user to charge an electric vehicle. There are 3 states:

1· Red, not available: Tapping on info shows more information about the error.

2· Green, available: Charge can be started. If it was scheduled, it appears below the state.

3· Blue, charging: The button is animated with varying luminosity.


The user can create and save several schedules and activate them whenever it is needed. Each schedule defines the charging hour and the days of the week.


The app shows daily, weekly or montly statistics for the energy consumption.

Also a comparative about cost and savings could be shown by crosschecking electricity and gas prices from an online database.


The app allows the user to define profiles. Each profile controls one charger and has several options: name, password and scheduling.


Indra app UX, UI design

Indra app allows the user to charge an electric car using the smart phone as sole interface. The information architecture, usability, visual interface and interaction had to be design from scratch.

  • Client:Indra
  • Categories:
  • Skills:
    • UI design
    • UX design
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