Yoigo e-shop

About Yoigo

Yoigo is the 4th major telco in Spain. When I arrived at Grupo MásMóvil its  e-shop was being redesigned and I was entrusted to lead the design process.

Yoigo first steps

After some benchmarking and a quick ideation processes, different prototypes were tested with real users. And the new yoigo.com was born!

Step by step we made it grow. We worked together with the PO ready to identify user and business needs. Every sprint, we defined new functionalities, tested the more audacious ones and worked with the development team to make them real.

The rebranding, a complete makeover

Adolescence is difficult, even for a webpage. After some time, Yoigo needed a new look and we could make it happen thanks to a robust design system that allowed us to change the whole website in no time.

Nothing is perfect, let’s keep improving

Now yoigo.com is a full grown-up e-shop. Users can buy complex products completely online. But we keep challenging ourselves. As part of the UX team, I work with analytics in Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) initiatives where we propose new experiments and personalisation tests in order to keep improving the website all the time. In 2019 we increased the checkout CR by 175%.


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  • Skills:
    • Sketch
    • UI design
    • UX design
    • UX research
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